Sunday, January 20, 2008

Digital McLuhan & Acoustic Space/Visual Space

Levinson - Song of the Alphabet
A great deal to do with constructed meanings and how we view and evaluate the world around us. Why do we see the world the way we do? Does it have something to do with acoustic space (info all around us) versus visual space (info linear). Did our world change with move from acoustic to visual space. How did structure of alphabet impact world - culture and values. Alphabet, printing press - gives control to select group of info creators.

Readers of printed word always got the same unwavering answers. Different today?

Where does cyberspace fit into all of this -- relying on alphabet (visual) but form, function, presentation without boundaries or limitations (acoustic). Cyberspace - individual user has great deal of power and control -- individual also, as with this blog, becomes a creator of content.


Does the online Communication more effectively approximate the openness of an in person conversation as the author asserts? Is this significant?

Will cyberspace continue to be linked to alphabet? Was it just a convenient convention - the best we could do in a world lacking more efficient media?

Alphabet conveys abstraction so effectively that no other media will duplicate? It will be safe for the future.

Does cyberspace/the Internet need to command our full attention or can it be background the way music on the radio serves as background?

Media evolve in a Darwinian manner - serve biological need (sight, hearing

Some links on the topic:
Old Messengers, New Media
The Cultural Paradox of the Global Village

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